Lego Eye

November 27, 2008 § 4 Comments


Photo by Øystein Horgmo © All rights reserved.

Found an old picture I made for a presentation a couple of years back. It strikes me now that the pictured scene is very bizarre.

  1. The surgeons have forgotten to put on masks, hats, sterile gowns and gloves.
  2. The nurses have forgotten to undress the patient and cover him with sterile drapes.
  3. The surgeons obviously didn’t notice this, as they have cut his abdomen open through his clothes.
  4. After opening the patient’s abdomen the surgeons seemingly threw away their instruments.
  5. Or maybe it’s trauma surgery? They haven’t opened his abdomen, it’s a wound.
  6. But if that’s the case, why aren’t his clothes stained with blood?
  7. And what are the surgeons planning on doing without any instruments?
  8. Psychic surgery?
  9. Where is the anesthesiologist?
  10. Why is the camera man wearing white scrubs in the OR?
  11. Why does the camera have both film reels and a video tape?
  12. Why are all the surgeons bald?

Click on the picture for a larger version.

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