Six word memoir

May 6, 2008 § 2 Comments

I was tagged by rlbates who was tagged by Midwife With a Knife for the six word memoir meme.

The instructions? Write a 6 word memior and tag 6 others. Leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play.

rlbates – My life is full of stitches.

MWWAK’s – Catch a baby, watch the floor.

Scanman – Aiming for accuracy in grayscale images

And here’s mine:

Marveled at inner and outer landscapes

Which sums up my love for nature and anatomy, two important aspects of my life. Lots of other things are and have been important to me, but it’s simply impossible to distill them all into 6 words.

I really don’t like pushing stuff on others, but this somehow comes across as more meaningful than other memes. Makes you think. But as I’m running out of possible blogs to tag, I’ll break the rule and tag just these four: Øystein in Antarctica , Kariknapp, Jeffrey and makeminetrauma,

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