One-year Anniversary

November 11, 2008 § 6 Comments

The Sterile Eye has been around for exactly one year today!

During this year I’ve gotten to know a lot of other people in a universe I didn’t even know existed – the medical blogosphere. I’ve been contacted by medical photographers and others, seeking advice on different aspects of filming surgery. Patients have written to me about the fascination of watching the same operation as they went through. And I’ve had the honor of having some of my posts referenced by others. I thank you all for taking the time to visit.

To sum up the year, here are the 5 most popular posts, and 10 of my own choosing.

5 most visited posts:

  1. Amateur Surgeon
  2. Video summary: Left hemicolectomy
  3. Different shades of red
  4. Filming surgery with camcorders
  5. Surgical light cameras

10 other samples (alphabetically):

  1. Awake awakening
  2. Bright spot puncture
  3. Darkness on the edge of wound
  4. Diagnosis and aspiration
  5. Hand in gloves
  6. Inner scents
  7. Paean to the pean
  8. Surgical steel (well, metal anyway)
  9. Triangulation
  10. You’re not recording sound, are you?

On November 11, 2007 I wrote in the opening words to my blog:

Hope you’ll find something interesting here, something to think about and maybe something to laugh at.

I still do, and I hope you’ll pop by now and then in the second year of The Sterile Eye.

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